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Symbol vs Soul

It's time to peal off the bullshit and honestly ask...

Are women really equal?

While we have access to equality, there are still a number of factors that don't allow equality to be a true reality.

1) Women's conditioning is outdated. We have mothers and grandmothers who were socialized into previous paradigms and who then passed them down to us.

Old programming still drives our behavior.

2) Society continues to propagate unconscious stereotypes towards gender roles and continues to teach women and men to undervalue femininity.

3) Our progress driven society undervalues feminity in both men and women. This imbalance causes problems in both.

4) Media flooding of objectification. Seeing a woman as a symbol rather than a soul.

(The painting above is a representation of pealing off the illusion of who we think we are.)

5)The world is filled with an immense amount of inequality, violence, oppression and suppression toward's women... Hence why it's not safe for me to travel alone the way men can. This has gone on for so long that we have insanely believed it is just the way it is.

There are way more then these 5 factors... The fact that you can get a Master's Degree in Women's Studies is indicative of how complicated this topic truly is.

We are all making progress in waking up! We can no longer remain naive and unconscious to this fundamental inequality that impacts half of the world's population.

Thank Goddess for all the men out there who are wise enough to stand proud next to an empowered women. You my friends are the ones who deserve to get laid.

Women its time to ditch the assholes who don't deserve your love. It's time to stop giving our power away. It's time we unleash our creative life force and channel it towards matters that truly touch our hearts.

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